I am a creative and dynamic person with excellent interpersonal skills and a passion for communication, marketing and culture. My academic background is enriched with a BA in Communication, Media and Culture, an MA in European Urban Cultures and a PhD in Communication (Arts Marketing). My educational skills are backed up by my determination to be proficient in whatever I am involved in, my devotion to my project team as well as critical thinking. Work experience and initiatives were the ultimate test for my competencies and there are more to come in international environments.
Recent Positions
Feb 2016- Jan 2019 Marketing &Communication Manager (Muscat, Oman)
Company: Phoenix Technologies & Solutions
Maintain and further grow the brand
Manage weekly e-mail campaigns, including the content
Raise awareness of the Phoenix Technologies brand and services
Coordinate and manage design work brand related projects
The organisation of corporate events
Communicate campaigns and initiatives to trade
Collaborate with and consult the Sales team
Dec 2014- Jan 2016 Freelance Editor/Event,Marketing &Communication Specialist
(Muscat, Oman)
Companies: The Guide Oman & Times of Oman
Responsibilities: Freelance Editor on Local Media
Responsible for the professional design of the event and the brand awareness of the company.
Content writer of the website
The organisation of the marketing campaigns
Design leisure and team-building events
Aug 2014- Oct 2014 Translator
Company: Alpro UK
Responsibilities: Responsible for the translation of the website from English to Greek (completion of a project with a short duration)
Travel Industries
Nov 2013- Mar 2014 Public Relations & Communication (Muscat, Oman)
Company: The Chedi Muscat-GHM-LHW
Responsibilities: Be at the forefront of customer service
Provide above and beyond service to hotel guests
Organise communication campaings
Sep 2012- Oct 2013 Marketing & Sales Assistant Manager (London, UK)
Company: Youtravel.com (FTI Group Company)
Responsibilities: Maintain and further grow the Youtravel.com brand
Manage weekly e-mail campaigns, including the content
Source and co-ordinate exclusive and ad-hoc deals for agent partners
Raise awareness of the Youtravel.com brand and products
Coordinate and manage design work brand related projects
The organisation of corporate events
Draft PR on an ad-hoc basis
Communicate campaigns and initiatives to trade
Work on short or long-term projects
Media Companies
Sep 2006- Aug 2012 Journalist (Freelancer, Contributing Editor & Editor in Chief)
(Athens, Greece)
Companies: Associated Press (2/2012):
Short-term cooperation with the Greek department
TV Program Escape- National Television of Greece (5/‘11-8/‘11)
Attica Publications- Madame Figaro Magazine (07/2008- 10/2009)
News and Cultural sites (06/20011-07/2011)
“Dromeas“ Local Newspaper (09/2006-8/2008)
Cultural Industries
May 2011- May 2012 Cultural and Communication Manager (Athens, Greece)
Company Synthesis Media Company
Vrysaki Cultural Space & Athens Fringe Festival
(International Co-operations with artistic groups and spaces)
May 2011- Jun2011 Copywriter- Greece
Company: Velti & Going Up Interactive
Completion of a project with a short duration
Sep 2007- Dec 2008 Assistant of educators
Company: Hellenic Children’s Museum of Greece
Jul 2005- Jul 2006 Bank Employee
Company: National Bank of Greece, Branch of Glyfada
Oct 2017- May 2023 PHD in Communication
“The communication strategies of Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, and how they affect audiences in terms of cultural consumption”
University: Blanquerna-Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain
Supervisor: Dr. Pere Masip Masip
Aug 2009- Oct 2010 MA in European Urban Cultures
Cooperating Universities: Manchester Metropolitan University (Free University Brussels, The Tilburg University, Estonian Academy of Arts)
Master Thesis: ‘’ The practices of modern theatres to engage the audience’’
Supervisor: Dr. Ir. J.T. Mommaas
Oct 2003- Feb 2008 BA (4years) in Communication, Media and Culture
University: Panteion University of Social and Political S
Επαγγελματίες από τον ίδιο τομέα Επιστημονική με τον CHRYSOULA BOUSIOUTA
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